Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Seeing The Great Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

When we went to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum the first thing we noticed was the huge massive line, when I saw the huge line I thought ''wow'' I think this is the longest line I've been in my hole life. When we were almost at the entrance we saw a bunch of soldiers, well maybe just three or six marching next to the entrance. Before we saw Ho Chi Minh we had to walk up some stairs and every 1o or 5 feet we walked we saw a soldier. Right before Ho Chi Minh died he wrote in his will that he wanted to be cremated, but the government decided to ship him off to Russia to be embalmed and he didn't tell Ho Chi Minh about the plan. Ho Chi Minh is famous because he founded modern day for the Vietnamese people and united the North and South part of Vietnam. The Vietnamese People call Ho Chi Minh uncle Ho and uncle is the highest title. When we finely got to the room Ho Chi Minh was in, he looked like he was asleep in a big glass box with a blanket over his body, if you are wondering why I didn't post a picture of Ho Chi Minh is because you were not aloud to take pictures of him. When we got outside of the Mausoleum we went to see the house that Ho Chi Minh lived in I thought the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum was very cool and interesting because you could see Ho Chi Minh very clearly because the glass box was lit up inside.

This is a picture of the desk that Ho Chi Minh used:

Here's a video of the line:


  1. Hi Yve! I love your post about Uncle Ho! I want to buy a book about Ho Chi Minh now and read about his life! I miss you guys! Love, Mom!

  2. It goes to show you that once you check out you have very little to say about what comes next!

  3. hey guys its me bri that was one looooooooong line ho seemed pretty cool

  4. How long did it take to get thru the line? I am not very good at waiting in lines but I think you did the right thing and can look back and know that you saw something that few people back here will ever see.
