Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Different but the Same

Yesterday we visited two villages that had mastered different types of crafts. After we visited them I wondered about how they were alike. One of the first things I noticed was how old everything looked it all was ancient and their technique was just as old it had been going on for hundreds of years. I also found it interesting that both crafts were hand made and all natural. I was amazed that each was like a family business that had been passed down for hundreds of generations. This trip helped me understand a little more about how these objects I see every day.


  1. Personally, I would have gone for a hamburger. Hold the worms.

  2. Hi Wescott! I love your post and I like the the picture you added of you eating the worms! Do you think people really eat insects in Vietnam? Have you seen any in the crazy markets there? Love, Mom

  3. I'm with Tucker - I'll take the hamburger! Wanna go to Dicks when you get back?
