A ligo is a lizards and gekkos name combined together. I know a ligo does not exist but it will in my story so deal. I combined the two names together because I was not the person who saw it, mom and Wescott saw it. And you know Wescott, he doesn't always tell me the truth so first he told me he saw a lizard and then he said he didn't see a lizard he said he saw a gekko. Then he changed his mind and said he saw an iguana (I bet you know what I am thinking...Wescott couldn't have seen three anphibeans.)
Since I couldn't trust Wescott, I went to mom and said what was the animal you saw was it a gekko or a lizard? Mom wasn't sure which one so I decided it was a ligo.
Personally, I am quite glad I did not see this little object but there is no reason to doubt it exists. At least it did not wind up in our luggage as we got by the security OK.