OK so, just to give you a little info that might come in handy, we took a little break from Hanoi and went to Cambodei for 3 nights and 4 days. And for one of those days we went to te night market and you know what we did, we got a fish massage! Wait wait I bet you want to hear all about it beiging to end don't you, well ok here it goes.
We were walking down the aisles of the night market when we saw a sign that said "fish massage" and wondered what it weas. There also was a second night makret next to the first one wich had the fish massage in it. Mom and everybody, I mean not dad he didn't want to try it because he thought it was too weird and gross but he did it anyway. And also he stuck his feet in before mom when mom was the one who wanted to do it more than dad.

It was weird at first because when you first put your feet in all the fish start comeing to you and eating all the dead skin and making the fresh skin appear. The fish were like some special fish that cleans your skin I think. Dad of course couldn't help it he laughed so hard there was also some other people too. A lot of other people came and crowded around to see it. It was super random but it was really fun and if we come back to Cambodia we might have to do it again.

Now I think I have heard it all...fish massage!! Actually, it sounds great to me but I be Terry would have a cow.