The twins are a nightmare when it comes to bedtime. What we have learned is that in the orphanage, the nannies simply held each of the twins and rocked them until they went to sleep at night, so anything short of that is not good enough and both Tuck and Jones cry.
We have vowed to discontinue the holding and rocking routine and have worked hard to get them to fall asleep on their own in their own cribs. This has proven to be a challenge and often we end up going in and sitting next to the crib(s) to sing a nursery rhyme and try to get them to sleep. We take shifts, employing Wescott, Yve and Otto to all do 10 minute stints of singing as well so we can cover both twins simultaneously.
While we have tried everything from "Twinkle Twinkle" to the Oompa Loompa song, we have found that the song that works best is "100 Bottles of Beer On The Wall!" It is super-long, monotonous so conducive to falling asleep and easy to gauge effectiveness. "It took me until 63 bottles of beer to get Tuck to sleep tonight!" says Wescott. Or "I am only going in and singing until 75 bottles of beer and then I am out of there" says Otto. It is hilarious! So if you have a problem with sleeping children, try our strategy out :)

tehehe love it! -Steff