Friday, May 15, 2009

Now Boarding...

We're all packed up. Plane reservations are done. Snacks and bottles loaded. Goodbyes complete.

Tuck, Jones and I are leaving Hanoi tonight at 11:30pm, bound for Tokyo. After a day of site seeing and trying hard to keep the boys awake, we then fly to Los Angeles, where Dang Van Thang and Dang Van Chien become United States citizens upon clearing immigration.

Because I am sure flying is going to SO MUCH FUN with these two, we board one more plane and land in Seattle Saturday afternoon, just a mere 33 hours later.

I hope I make it :-)


  1. GOOD LUCK! No need to say more .... we're all thinking of you!


  2. Have a GREAT trip. You will be home very soon. Yea!

  3. Cliff,

    Congratulations! I'm so happy that your incredible adventure has a happy ending. I'll miss the blog though. It was great to follow your activities in Hanoi and Vietnam. What a super place!

    See you this summer.


  4. Lisa, Cliff and gang,
    We are thinking of you as you are travelling home; so full of love and excitement and two new little hearts to love. We are so happy for you all!
    Love from the Sullivans :)

  5. I know that you are probably half way home!!! Good luck Cliff - the boys are incredible and worth every painful hour of travel.
