Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chien Thang Day

Hanoi and the rest of the country celebrated one of its biggest holidays over this long weekend. Victory Day (Chien Thang!) kicked it off on Thursday, followed by Labor Day on May 1st. Victory Day, also known as Reunification Day, marks Vietnam's independence from the French, and victory over America. On April 30, 1975, the fall of Saigon marked the end of decades of war and started the peaceful process of unifying the country under Communist rule.

A few people have asked me what it is like to be an American here, wondering about lingering attitudes and feelings. As I strolled around Ho Kiem Lake on Thursday, it contunued to reaffirm the good will of the Vietnamese people, with not a shadow of ill will.

Tuck, Jones and I celebrated the occassion with a nice cool draft at Legend Beer :-).

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are AMAZING!! Thanks for sharing.

    - Carolyn
