Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tofu for lunch

Yesterday we had tofu and we learned how to make it too. Tofu is made out of soy beans. They soak the dried beans. They mixed water and beans and cooked it for 4 hours in a big pot. They took out the curds and molded them into sqaures. Then we ate them for lunch with beer! and I liked all of it.


  1. OTTO! You drank beer? Are you crazy?! Look at you and Yve clinking glasses!!! Did the Tofu and beer taste good? Miss you - nice work on the blog I love the pictures you chose to post.

    XOXO - Steff ;)

  2. Otto,

    When are you coming back? We miss you! We love all of your pictures.

    With our buddies we made leprechauns. We wish you made them with us.

    Your friends and Mrs. Dugovich

  3. Otto, Wasn't the tofu delicious? You and I ate all that they served!
