Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dinner as a Contact Sport

Every now and then we decide that it really shouldn't be that bad to take the twins to a restaurant with us. Will we never learn? They are both at that active, wiggley, antsy stage so the concept of sitting down to eat does not exist. While they were in the orphanage, they sat in a circle on the floor and ate. Now they crawl all over us - we are only saved by an order of french fries!


  1. Well, one positive note is that you end up eating a lot less when 4 hands are grabbing everything in site, saying "ma" like starved chicks and bolting to the neighboring patrons any chance they get! I have every confidence you will whip their table manners into shape before you leave Hanoi Terry :-).

  2. "Ma, ma, ma"?! Such a cute picture - I see you guys made it back to Koto?

